Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Technology Takeover

How many times a day do we rely on technology to help us do something. We use technology every day to help us eat, sleep, communicate, and even live. When we wake up in the morning we use an alarm clock to help us get out of bed. When cooking almost any meal we use technology in some way, whether its using the stove, oven, or the most recent and probably most dangerous of the three, the microwave. But these are just a few ways we use technology in our everyday lives.

People are very social beings. Technology plays a huge and very significant role in communication. Think of how many times you send a text or an email, make a phone call, page someone, send a fax or a message on Facebook or Plurk! I personally send between 50-100 text messages a day and receive nearly the same! Even this blog that I am writing is a form of communication through technology. Technology is rapidly advancing everyday, soon we will rely on technology to do even the simplest tasks. Even now people use electronic toothbrushes just to brush their teeth.

In hospitals there are thousands of people who are hooked up to machines helping them breath, helping them live! So when is it too much? When do we draw the line between man and machine? Will we become like the people from IRobot with mechanical limbs and robots to do our chores, carry our groceries, and even drive our cars? Or like the ones from Wall-E who are permanently attached to a chair with a TV screen in their face telling them what to wear, what to buy, and what to eat? With technology advancing as quickly as it is the point where the machine becomes smarter than its creator is rapidly approaching. With discoveries in artificial intelligence being made all the time, the day where machines replace people is not far behind. But will we make the decision to stop, or will we keep making advances until one day everything will be ran by machines?


  1. Is that necessarily a bad thing? Do humans do a good job running things?

  2. What I mean is that if other entities did these things we could focus on what we do really well--art, philosophy...
